
Abruptly, I sat up in bed. “How dare you!” I glared at him.

The expression on his clenched-cheeked face remained as it was- stern, stubbornly unaffected by my outrage. He walked towards me. Each long leg striding smoothly in front of each other, each synchronized to the same rhythm that the other was moving- no, floating to.

I sat frozen in a pool of my cold sweat. I held my throat, which was where I felt my heart beating, forcing the blood in my veins into a gush... all towards my lungs. I was losing air and I was losing it fast. It must've been showing for as he sat at my feet, he took them in his delicate hands and gently kneaded its soles with the ball of his thumbs.

"Lay your head," He said.

No! I shouted in my head. He's not- He can't be- You're just- still, dreaming. I assured my self.

"I'm here and I'm real" He said. "Now, lay your head." He repeated.

I watched him speak, the words seemed to be floating from his lips, which seemed to be moving a pace slower than the words he spoke. They were light and breezey, these words. By a voice that was so rich and deep... and distant that it didn't appear to be his. The maturity and wisdom its confident tone promised was in stark contrast to the youth his face portrayed- An elongated nose, crooked at its bridge misplaced in between sockets that were enough to eat away its sides; His eyes, they were big enough to fool its audience of a wide-eyed inocence, had they been darker, they would've shown the truth of his soul's unknown depths and his mouth- now, that was the prettiest thing. It was small and its lips, thin, outlined with sharp lines that semed to cut at its edges, almost pointed in parts where it took its curves. They were slyly curled upwards to form a doubtful smile.

Lay your head, His voice echoed in my head. My ears rung as they lay victims to this strange voice.

"Are you going to make me say it again?" He asked.

No, I weakly shook my head.

I pulled my feet away from his hands lay my body forward, resting my head on his lap. I brought my knees to my chest and hugged them, held on to them the way I would for dear life on a theme park's crazy ride... For I did not know what was to happen next.

This gesture must've come as a shock to him for I felt him almost immediately go stiff. I felt the muscles in his thighs coil around each other in tension. And as if I had eyes atop my head, I saw the awkward look on his face, clueless of what it was he was to do.

"How dare you," I whispered.

A cold silence fell in between us but left just as fast as it had come.

"How dare YOU!" He snapped back at me.

I turned my head toward him, meeting my eyes with his. They were dark with the shadow of his frown, with the blanket of his thick brows that met each other in fury.

I sat back up, facing him.

"Me! You! you come into MY room, sit on MY bed and as if this intrusion of yours was not enough, you dare tell me what to do--"

"Why you, you... You monster!" This upset him more than I thought it would but that didn't stop me.

"You disrupt my sleep and rob me of my peace and you disrespect me by raising your voice at me! You harass me by forcing what you want- what you want me done! What? Did you think I would just obey you in fear? Ha! You obviously don't know fear! Why, the very sight of you drives fear away!" I went on as he raised from my bed and walked towards the glass doors at the other end of the room. Reaching them he turned his head towards me to watch me in my frenzy. When I stopped yelling, he turned towards the dark of the night.

The silence once again fell, weighing down on everything in the room, everything except him. I watched him sway his weight from one side to the other, his hair catching light in different parts, each time. It was as if he heard music, a song made for him alone.

He's mocking me, I thought to my self. But somehow, I just wasn't quite sure. I sighed heavily and sank back into my covers.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Giving you your peace back" He said.

I turned towards my side, facing the vast blankness of my wall. "Thank you," I whispered. And I fell into the comfort of a coldness I knew so well. They were calm now, my breaths. I took each one with care. And with each, his scent grew stronger. He smelled... clean. Disinfected. I liked that. It was as if he was uncorrupted by the evils of this world. An angel, that's what he is- I thought to my self.

I felt his arm around me now. "Sleep." He commanded in my ear.

This time, I obeyed him.

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